
Coal Imports Slips 8.1% To 52.74 MT During Q1FY18

The imports of coal stood at 52.74 million tonnes (MT) during April-June 2017-18, a fall of 8.1%, compared to import of 57.38 MT in the corresponding period of 2016-17. The fall in imports is largely on account of enhanced production by Coal India (CIL), due to which the country has moved from a regime of coal scarcity to a coal surplus situation. The vendible stock of CIL has increased form 53.62 MT as on April 01, 2015 to 61.92 MT as on April 01, 2017. 

The off-take dispatch of coal of CIL has also increased from 488.86 MT in 2014-15 to 542.82 MT in 2016-17. The vendible stock of CIL even on July 01, 2017 was 49.90 MT. Coal imports have fallen from 217.78 MT in 2014-15 to 203.95 MT in 2015-16 and further to 190.95 MT in 2016-17.

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