
Cotton Trading Range For The Day Is 18253-18833 - Equity Trading Tips

Cotton on MCX settled down by -0.38% at 18540 due to muted demand from traders and stockists at the spot market. Further, expectation of good production from major growing regions also fuelled the downtrend. Data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture. USDA Export Sales report indicated a MY low in weekly 17/18 sales of all upland cotton. There were 65,216 RB of old crop upland cotton sold during the week of Sep 9, with 26,400 RB of new crop sales.

Trading Ideas:

* Cotton trading range for the day is 18253-18833.

* Cotton prices dropped due to muted demand from traders and stockists at the spot market.

* Data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture. USDA Export Sales report indicated a MY low in weekly 17/18 sales of all upland cotton.

* The US production to rose 1.21 million bales to 21.76 bales in 2017.

* Cotton prices in spot market gained by 10.00 rupees and settled at 19630.00 rupees.

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