
Onion prices hovering at 2-year lows in Maharashtra

Onion prices in Maharashtra are hovering at nearly two-year lows, stored Onions from last season are quoting at one or two rupees a kg. This has also pulled down prices of new variety rabi Onions to Rs 6-7 a kg in the wholesale market.

In the retail markets, fresh Onion is sold between Rs 10-12 a kg in Mumbai.

Farmers have been urging the state government to fix a minimum selling price of Rs 8.5 a kg of the bulb for the current season to make its future cultivation remunerative.

With the current realization in the wholesale mandis of the new rabbi variety, farmers have to sell at a loss of Rs 2-3 per kg, if transport cost is included.

As per the Third Advanced Estimate, the government has estimated India’s total Onion output at 22.07 million tonnes for the 2017-18 as compared to 21.82 million tonnes the previous year. Acreage, however, remained the same at 13.15 million ha for the 2017-18 and 2016-17 seasons.

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