
Commodity Tips, Spot rubber skids in thin trade

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Spot rubber was weak on Thursday. RSS-4 slid to ₹130.50 (131) a kg, according to traders. The grade was quoted unchanged at ₹131 and ₹128 respectively by the Rubber Board and the dealers. January futures weakened to ₹132.50 (133.81), February to ₹134.55 (135.65), March to ₹137 (138.36) and April to ₹138.01 (139.74) on the NMCE. RSS-3 declined at its December futures to ₹111.60 (112.15) on the TOCOM. Spot rubber rates (₹/kg): RSS-4: 130.50 (131); RSS-5: 128.50 (129); ISNR 20: 114 (114) and Latex (60% drc): 91 (91.50).

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