Maize Trading Range For The Day Is 1521-1561

Maize on NCDEX settled up by 1.71% at 1544 tracking firmness in spot demand and overseas prices on a wet forecast for the US Midwest, with ideas that it would delay planting. It is true that US crop data showed planting is lagging last year, particularly in the Midwest. Across the US, corn planting is now 6% complete, lagging the average pace of planting by three points, and last year's pace by five points.

Trading Ideas: 

*Maize trading range for the day is 1521-1561. 

*Maize gains tracking firmness in spot demand and overseas prices on a wet forecast for the US Midwest, with ideas that it would delay planting. 

*Across the US, corn planting is now 6% complete, lagging the average pace of planting by three points, and last year's pace by five points. 

*NCDEX accredited warehouses maize stocks gained by 40 tonnes to 1649 tonnes. 

*In Nizamabad maize spot prices gained 16.55 Rupees to 1515.55 Rupees per 100 kgs.

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