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USDA Revises Global Wheat Output Down, Signaling Weak Indian Supplies In 2016-17
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The latest report of United States Department of Agriculture (USDA),
the global wheat supplies are lowered 4.2 million tons to 748.23 million
tonnes primarily due to sharp reductions in the India and Kazakhstan
crops. Indian production is lowered 3.0million tons to 87.0million,
which is well below the latest government of India estimate. The
Kazakhstan crop is reduced 1.5 million tons on updated government
statistics. Foreign exports are lowered 0.4 million tons with reductions
for Kazakhstan and Russia more than offsetting increases for Argentina
and Ukraine.
Total global use for 2016/17 is raised 0.5 million
tons with higher feed and residual use partially offset by a decline in
food use. Vietnam and China feed and residual use is raised 1.3 million
tons and 1.0 million tons, respectively. With global supplies falling
and total use increasing, world ending stocks are lowered 4.7 million
tons this month to 248.60 million tonnes.
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