Ripples Advisory NCDEX Market News Update

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Soyabean on NCDEX settled flat amid improving arrivals in the physical market and expectations that the peak arrivals will be observed during the month of December. In its revised crop projection for kharif 2016, the Soyabean Processors Association of India (SOPA) has put India’s soyabean crop at 114.9 lakh tonnes (lt) — about 5 per cent higher than the initial crop estimate of 108.8 lt. The increase in output is attributed to lower damage and better yield mainly in Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra. The sowing area is recorded at 109.7 lakh hectares with over 90 per cent of the area falling in Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra and Rajasthan.

                                  Trading Ideas

  1. Soyabean trading range for the day is 3147-3235.

  2. Soyabean prices settled flat amid improving arrivals in the physical market and expectations that the peak arrivals will be observed.

  3. The SOPA has put India’s soyabean crop at 114.9 lakh tonnes (lt) — about 5 per cent higher than the initial crop estimate of 108.8 lt.

  4. NCDEX accredited warehouses soyabean stocks gained by 570 tonnes to 98534 tonnes.

  5. At the Indore spot market in top producer MP, soybean gained 19 rupee to 3131 rupee per 100 kgs.

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