
Stock Advisory in Indore, India shifts export focus to processed fruits, vegetables for better gains

Data compiled by Agricultural and Processed Food Export Development Authority showed over 15% decline in export of fresh vegetables

India is gradually shifting its focus from the export of fresh horticulture products to processed ones for better realization and to beat the stringent import quality norms set by West Asian and European countries.

Data compiled by the Agricultural and Processed Food Export Development Authority (Apeda) showed an over 15 percent decline in export of fresh vegetables to $581 million during April-December 2017 from $686 million in the year-ago period. Export of processed vegetables, however, rose 3.9 percent to $197 million during the period from $190 million in the same period last year.

Similarly, export of fresh fruits declined 4.3 percent to $391 million during the first nine months of the current financial year from $408 million a year ago. Shipment of processed fruits and juices rose 8.3 percent to $460 million during the period from $425 million in the year-ago period.

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