Ripplesadvisory, Today news Update >> Margins on drugs as high as 1,192% in four private hospitals
Non-scheduled drugs and diagnostic services constituted major components of charges billed to patients in four private hospitals with margins as high as 1,192 percent, drug pricing regulator NPPA said on Tuesday.
For consumables such as a three-way stopcock, BI valve, GS-3040, the margins were even higher. The purchase price of the device for the hospital was Rs 5.77 and a 1,737 percent margin on procurement price was charged, it added.
This has emerged from an analysis done by the National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority (NPPA) after "some unfortunate deaths because of dengue and other ailments in four reputed private hospitals" in Delhi and NCR, the regulator said in a memorandum.
"Institutional bulk purchases by private hospitals, which in most cases keep a pharmacy of their own, makes it easier for them to get very high-profit margins and indulge in profiteering on drugs and devices even without the need to violate the MRPs, which is already enough inflated," the NPPA said.
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